Wysetek accelerates datacentre practice for digital world

Wysetek accelerates datacentre practice for digital world
High performance network and security will be the top priority for modern data centres across organisations says Rajesh Mathkar at Wysetek.
The data centres are transforming at break need speed in terms of their Infra that is accelerated by the emergence of digital technologies and new age business demands. Wysetek Systems Technologists as Pan India systems integrator and IT services company today encompasses datacentre solutions portfolio that includes Hyper Converged Infra (HCI), Virtualization, Cloud, Cyber Security, Data management and Open source. Rajesh Mathkar, director at Wysetek Systems Technologists talks on the modern datacentre world and how Wysetek is realigning it’s teams to customers demands.
What are the prime technology trends across the datacentres at customers end? Any new datacentre solutions to be in more demand in 2020?
Software-defined IT, Consumption-based IT and Data controls will be the main trends across data centres.
Customer need for improved agility, better manageability and enhanced asset usage will force many companies pursuing digital transformations to migrate over 50% of their IT infrastructure in their data centre and edge locations to a software-defined model. These customers might need new infrastructure because their existing solutions are aging and no longer able to meet their performance requirements. Simply adding more hardware does nothing to address the customer’s deeper issues: a complex hybrid environment with silos of traditional infrastructure that resists automation and with pockets of cloud services that are unmonitored and unregulated.
Consumption-based IT is picking up across Indian organisations. A strong consumption-based IT vendor gives a choice of technologies, expertise in solutions, enterprise-grade support, and advanced remote infrastructure management capabilities to get it right with the same flexibility and cost. An interactive portal that helps customers monitor, manage, and optimize their consumption-based IT services is the need of the hour. The consumption-based procurement in customers’ data centre will have eclipsed traditional procurement through improved “as a service” models, thus accounting for as much as 40% of enterprises’ IT Infra spending.
Large enterprises will have added mandated regulatory compliance investments to their advantage by using them to set and enforce automated data controls across their clouds, core data centres and edge locations. Managing the sheer volume of data across devices and clouds is beginning to be a bigger challenge for CIOs and their organisations. Companies must analyze the data and derive insights that can help them drive innovation and give them a competitive edge.
What are the key offerings by Wysetek for its customers in the datacentre domain?
The key datacentre solutions includes Hyper Converged Infra (HCI), Virtualization, Cloud , Cyber Security,Data management & Open source. Wysetek also encompasses a strong 24 X 7 services and support network that is crucial for the datacentre projects.
Wysetek’s USP in datacentre domain heralds from the fact that we have more than two decades of expertise in compute and storage infra including strong practice across various verticals. Our team has deep skill sets in information security and most data centres need holistic security solutions. And the technology solutions practice is backed by strong 24 X 7 services and support network.
What are the top expectations of CIOs and IT managers in terms of datacentre solutions and services?
Wysetek has separate team for datacentre solutions as a dedicated focus since over a decade. The teams comprises of DC design Solution Architects, Project Managers, Virtualization & Cloud tech specialists, Implementation engineers.
CIOs today are looking at service providers who can be partners in making their vision a reality, which includes hyper Converged Infra (HCI), Virtualization, Cloud , Cyber Security, Data management & Open source. And Wysetek has the bandwidth to be a competent datacentre partner with the organisations.
What is the main agenda of the datacentre team at Wysetek ?
Data center solutions have always been key focus for Wysetek. We want to be the trusted partner for organizations in their digital transformation (Dx) journey.
We want to help organisations meet both ends of keeping cost under control and derive more productivity. Another priority for our datacentre team is to help them choose from wide area of new technologies like Hyper Converged Infra (HCI), Virtualization, Cloud , Cyber Security, Data management & Open source, mobility. Our team is committed to assist our customers’ IT team with an end-to-end project to simplify their complex IT Infra.
What will be the top accelerators to grow your datacentre business in 2019 and 2020?
High performance networking will be the new demand from modern datacentres as data continues to increase at a rapid pace. The Apps and workloads will demand more bandwidth with faster access. And hence high performance network is the key for data centres to be flexible, scalable and secure for the App world.
Security has to be now in both directions – north south as well as East West traffic – across datacentres. Hence a holistic security strategy across data centres including server security, App security, network security will be an accelerator for Wysetek’s datacentre business.
“CIOs today are looking at service providers who can be partners in making their vision a reality, which includes hyper Converged Infra (HCI), Virtualization, Cloud , Cyber Security, Data management & Open source. And Wysetek has the bandwidth to be a competent datacentre partner with the organisations.”
– Rajesh Mathkar, Director, Wysetek Systems Technologists
Wysetek’s USPs in datacentre domain
- Two decades expertise in compute and storage infra.
- Strong virtualization practice across various verticals.
- Team with deep skill sets in information security.
- Backed by strong 24 X 7 services & support network.