Committee members : Mr. Rajesh Mathkar & Mr. Cherian Thomas
Areas of CSR activities – Environment, Health care, Education As a part of our corporate social responsibility, the Company intends to make a positive difference to society. Our aim is to deliver superior and sustainable value to all our customers, business partners, employees, and to the society. Our main areas of activity will be in the environment, healthcare, and education domains.
Wysetek stands to:
– Sustain and continuously improve standards of environment, health, and safety at all levels to support internal or external initiatives, for the prevention of illness and combating of diseases as may be considered appropriate from time to time.
– Contribute sustainable development in areas of health and education through initiatives designed in a manner that addresses the challenges faced by the Indian society, especially in rural India.
– Work actively in the areas of preventive health and sanitation, education, skills for employability and income generation, sustainable livelihood, and infrastructure development.
Our CSR projects for this financial year are according to the recommendations of the CSR committee. Wysetek would be undertaking projects in either healthcare, environment or education sector (subject to the board’s discretion) which would be implemented by a NGO having an established track record.